Acid/Alkaline Balance

English: comparison of Lewis and Brønsted acid...

Did you know that the acidity of your food can influence your wellbeing? The acid‑alkaline balance is an important factor in the health and function of the body. Diet influences acid‑alkaline balance through the acid or alkaline forming nature of the foods when eaten. Nutrient rich diets are comprised of 80 % alkaline forming foods and 20 % acid‑forming foods, providing the essential factors necessary for excellent metabolism, good acid‑alkaline regulation and optimal health.

The pH level (the acid‑alkaline measurement) of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. Indeed, the entire metabolic process depends on a balanced internal alkaline environment. A chronically over‑acidic pH corrodes body tissue, slowly eating into the 60,000 miles of veins and arteries like acid eating into marble. If left unchecked, it will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain.

Excess acidity interferes with life itself leading to sickness and dis-ease. The body operates within a ph of 7.35 and 7.45 and will do anything to maintain this homeostasis, otherwise systemic acidity or alkalinity will occur and death will quickly ensue. The body naturally tends towards acidity because most acids form as a result of normal metabolic activity. The build-up of acids as a result of metabolism should be buffered by the alkaline foods which are found in nature. When the diet is high in processed foods, sugars, animal proteins and refined carbohydrates, the body becomes acid resulting is an accelerated aging process and many of the dis-eases associated with aging such as stiffness, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer.

Minerals such as calcium and magnesium are used by the body to buffer the acidity as they are alkaline in nature. The symptoms of a calcium and magnesium deficiency directly mimic the dis-eases of old age as mentioned. When the blood is too acid, symptoms include fatigue, aches and pains, stiffness, nervous irritability, tension, psoriasis, gastric irritation and reflux, cramps, poor recovery after exercise, headaches and weight gain. Weight gain results as fat is formed in response to excessive acidity to protect the body tissues. Alkalising the system can have a slimming affect upon the body. This is why grapefruit and lemons are suggested as slimming foods because they are alkaline forming in the body.

Foods which are acid forming in nature are typically animal products, sugar, dairy, and processed foods including alcohol and carbonated drinks. Foods which are alkaline in nature are fruits and vegetables, whole grains and fermented dairy products such as yoghurt.

If you are able to follow a diet which is 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods then slowly in time your body will correct its acid/alkaline balance and health will naturally return. Just as nature corrects itself given the correct environment, our bodies have the same ability.