Detoxification Time

colon Detoxification time

It’s that time of the year again to get your body into shape and work off the New Year’s festivities. Too much food and drink put a stress on our digestive systems and liver leading to fatigue, bloating, skin problems and an exacerbation of all your existing health issues. Every six months is ideal to give your body a rest and restore balance again.

There are several steps to a simple cleanse.

Eliminate all alcohol, coffee and nicotine. These are the big 3 that many people over indulge and create the biggest stress on our bodies. The other dietary areas which need to be eliminated are wheat, dairy products, junk food and processed foods, meat and chicken. By eliminating each of these for 3 to 4 weeks will rest our detoxification systems such as the liver, kidney and bowels and allow them to focus on the stored toxins accumulated over a lifetime.

Once the bad elements are eliminated, fresh and wholesome foods need introduced which are high in dietary fibre and natural antioxidants. A diet which is largely vegetarian should be consumed focusing on fresh fruits for breakfast, salads for lunch and vegetables for the evening meal with the occasional fish for protein.

Vegetable juices play a key role in stimulating the body to cleanse itself. 500ml of fresh vegetable juice should be consumed across the day. Many different types of vegetables can be used, however a suggested base for taste should be carrot. Then blend greens such as celery, broccoli, cabbage, and Chinese vegetables. Beetroot is another good addition however only small amounts are needed. Ginger should also be added to improve digestion. Small amounts of fresh turmeric are also another great addition due to the high levels of natural antioxidants.

A range of symptoms may present during the cleanse as the body begins to detoxify. Initially headaches are the most common, particularly associated with caffeine withdrawal. These usually pass after a few days and as the body gently cleanses you will sleep very well and have a sense of euphoria. At some point the body may release a large amount of toxins when you start to break down fat stores. This may cause a temporary fatigue and headaches as well. The best way to avoid this is to ensure the bowels are moving regularly by consuming brown rice.

Exercise plays an important role by mobilizing toxins and encouraging sweating. Do not over exercise, however daily exercise is recommended. Brushing the body with a skin brush is also recommended to improve lymphatic circulation and stimulate blood flow to the skin which is known as the third kidney.

If you have any preexisting health conditions it is important to check with your doctor, however reducing harmful substances such as alcohol and nicotine combined with a healthy diet and exercise is never a bad thing. Enjoy yourself and your body will love you back with increased energy and a natural glow of health.

If you would like a complimentary detoxification program to follow please email me at and I will be happy to send you the outline.


Simple tips for more energy

Woman-with-Glowing-Heart-123RF-300x300Would you like more energy? Most people will say a resounding ‘YES’ yet tend to do everything in their lifestyle to reduce their energy levels and stress their bodies. The good news is there is a range of ways to keep you bouncing through the day.

It is important to look at the key factors which reduce your energy levels. All the traditional factors such as excessive alcohol, smoking and junk foods need to be taken into consideration, however it is often subtle influences that combine to reduce the bodies overall energy levels.

The digestive system has a huge influence on energy levels. Over 50% of the bodies available energy stores are used in the digestive process. Over eating is a major cause of fatigue. By consuming a 1/3rd less, energy levels will increase dramatically. Eating a large evening meal late in the night is also another way to reduce energy levels in the morning. Having a lighter evening meal at 6pm in the evening will increase energy levels the next day as you will sleep deeper and wake feeling refreshed.

It is important to understand that for every artificial energy high, there is an equal and opposite low. Caffeine and sugar both artificially stimulate the body’s energy systems. We feel energized for a short period of time, however then discover you are yawning and lethargic a short time later. If this cycle is repeated several times a day a habit is established and your body will expect these artificial stimulants during the day. If you skip a dose, then your body will go into withdrawal symptoms and cravings will occur. This rollercoaster effect also influences the bodies sleep cycle, further compounding the fatigue.

So what to do? Remove all the artificial stimulants as quickly as possible, keeping in mind the withdrawal process. Then replace the sugary foods with whole grains, nuts and seeds to give you lasting energy through the day. The next step is to start regular balanced exercise. As your fitness levels increase, the improved energy metabolism used for the exercise is available during normal daily activities. It is important to not over exercise though as this will have a draining effect on your energy stores. Regular daily moderate exercise is the key.

Sleep is the most critical element to having abundant energy through the day. Not just 8 hours sleep though, but deep restful sleep. Stimulants such as coffee and sugar, artificial colours and flavours, preservatives, and fatty foods can cause sleep to be restless and light. When people follow detoxification programs they often comment how deep and restful their sleep has become. Stress is another factor which causes disturbed and restless sleep. Try to relax with a book or do a meditation before going to bed to release the days stress.

If you follow these simple tips you will feel more energized, revitalized and ready to take on the world. The human body is always looking for balance. The key is to remove the factors which are creating the imbalance and health will return.


What is the most important system in our bodies to maximise health and wellbeing?



The digestive system can be a breeding ground for poor health and disease. Many common health concerns can be alleviated when balance is restored to this vital organ that is often neglected and abused. The digestive system is a delicate ecosystem of beneficial bacteria which when disturbed contributes to larger health concerns.

Suppressed immunity, hormonal imbalance, fatigue, acne, eczema, food intolerances, arthritis, behavioral and learning disorders, autism, migraines and certain cancers can all be linked to poor digestive function.

Once the delicate bacterial balance is disturbed through antibiotic use, poor diet and lifestyle, a cascade of problems can occur. The digestive tract lining becomes damaged causing reabsorption of chemicals into the blood supply which contribute to the above illnesses in many different ways.

The first remedy to correct the imbalance is to replace the beneficial bacteria commonly known as acidophilus. This can be achieved through supplementation or consuming natural acidophilus yogurt. It is wise to begin with supplemental acidophilus as the levels of bacteria are much higher than in yoghurt. Once symptoms improve then levels can be maintained by consuming naturally fermented foods. An increasingly popular way to replace and maintain the healthy bacteria is through fermenting vegetables such as kimchi or sauerkraut. New research is demonstrating the importance of beneficial bacteria in reducing allergies and improving immune function, treating behavioral conditions and improving attention in children.

The next step is to increase the dietary fibre intake through consuming fruits and vegetables, whole grains and brown rice. A simple way to increase the fibre intake is by supplementing with concentrated fibres such as oat bran or psyllium husks which are high in soluble fibre and bulk the stools. There are two beneficial side effects of increased fibre. One is balancing of blood sugar which assists in treating and avoiding diabetes, and secondly is fibre binds to fat in meals assisting in weight loss. It is important to aim for two consistent bowel movements per day to ensure the correct elimination of wastes.

The final treatment needed is to stimulate the digestive processes. Many digestive acids and enzymes assist in the healthy breakdown of foods consumed. As we age these digestive secretions are reduced leading to symptoms of bloating, flatulence and heartburn. Digestive secretions can be stimulated by taking bitter substances prior to meals such as apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, or tamarind tea. Another tip is to ensure you are in a relaxed state of mind when eating as stress inhibits many of the digestive processes. It is a natural phenomenon from our evolution that the digestive system shuts down when we are stressed and allocates energy to survival.

With a healthy, balanced digestive system you set the stage for building health and wellbeing. Without it, your health will always be a challenge as a healthy digestive system is a fundamental health requirement.